Go Green

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Go Green
We love green at blue stag studio, in fact it’s our second favourite colour. That’s why we’re always on the look out for new ways of being green with minimal impact on the way you run your business.

As well as making changes to the energy efficiency practices of staff in the office there are also day to day tasks such as using a different search engine that can help your business do it’s bit for the environment.

Doing Your Bit

Carbon Squash
Carbon Squash
Which search engine do you use? Google? Yahoo? Bing? The new Carbon Squash search engine donates 50% of profits through Carbon Offset schemes and is powered by Yahoo Search, meaning you get the same results from a great search engine and get to make your green contribution too!

Green Hosting
Green Hosting
We’re currently in talks with a number of green hosting providers to find the most environmentally benefical one to mention on this page. You could host your organisations website at a similar cost but with much less environmental impact. Check back soon.

Green Ideas
Evaluate what appliances your organisation leaves running, or on standby, when it could be switched off and back on when required instead.

Is it possible that some staff could use public transport or car share when getting to and from work? And are there any ways in which your staff could avoid rush hour traffic? This could reduce the amount of time the car engine is running for and help reduce your organisations CO2 footprint.

Evaluate what documents can be printed and what could be held electronically, if you cut down on just 10 printed sheets of paper a day that’s 3650 sheets of paper a year and approximately lots of ink!

Spread the word! We’ve put this page together because we want to do our bit and give others the incentive to think about green issues. Why don’t you do the same?

Look out for green suppliers of simple day to day products and services you use, if you can do the same thing at the same time with no extra cost but be green at the same time why wouldn’t you?

Like sandwiches? We do! Why not make your sandwiches at home and bring them in, it saves a bit of cash and reduces the amount of packaging you’re likely to use at lunch time.

Got more ideas? Why not let us know and we can spread the word!


My only regret is I did not find blue stag studio 3 years ago



It’s the diversity of our team members that will make your project a success and that’s just one of the reasons why you should choose us for your next creative marketing project.